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11 January 2009

Trojan targeted at users of Firefox

Steady growth popularity of FireFox quite expected leads to the increasing interest by malicious hackers for the web browser.
The latest threat is aimed at stealing personal information from online banking service
BitDefender experts warn that detected a new type of malicious applications, users of FireFox, which steals user data a number of online banking services.
The BitDefender is a new pest called 'Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A', and it uses JavaScript to disclose personal data from more than 100 different online banking or financial services such as Barclays, Wachovia, Bank of America or PayPal.

When the infection targeted computer latest Trojan to the fence and the play as' Greasemonkey ', famous package scripts that FireFox provides a multitude of additional features.
To stop such
parrot repeat the above one million times - Do not open e-mail attachments suspicious sources, do not use unaudited suspected authors of the application and be sure to use some of the available antivirus solutions.