"Step With Technology"

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23 January 2009

Serious Samurize 1.64.3 - Mighty warrior far east

If you are advanced user processor clock to starvation, to be precise insight into the traffic on the Net, or your mail inbox on your desktop, Samurize is what you are looking for. Serious Samurize is one of many programs for monitoring computer activity. What distinguishes it from the competition a few things.
The state has to show every d
etail of the computer, such as the amount of space on the disks, memory commitment, flow of data on the Internet, how many batteries spent on notebook or how long the computer is switched on, but also many advanced data using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation ), and the MAC number of the network card, over-speed cache on the processor, until the number of function keys on the keys? The choice is so large that it can compare with the unlimited. Doing his job in style.
Therefore, all information on the computer displays on the desktop. For all controls a large number of display modes, both text and graphics.

In addition, opportunities for the design of these controls are surprisingly large, so you can achieve exactly what you want. The first thing we are interested is the Config tool, after running, you'll see the user interface to be used for design. Right-clicking the drawing area will appear a list of meters that can be used.
What we are particularly attracted attention is that each indicator can add Alert Value or the value measured the size of which represents prague. So, if the commitment, for example, RAM is greater (or less, depends on the settings) of some values that you specify, you will be alerted to this, which is useful for "critical" values such as temperature. You can choose to color the cursor changes, but also can specify the buzzer, and choose whether you want the ads to one or continuously.
After you've played with all the elements, it is necessar
y to record the work. The file is .Ini format and contains all the settings, and is activated by clicking the right button on the tray icon and selecting the Select Config File, where you can choose other settings, whether it is your work of art or some other configuration file is downloaded from Internet.From this menu you can run a lot of editing to change the language and a new update.


Samurize can set the desktop mail account, More precisely, to show new e-mails, how many of them, who have been sent and that the title of the e-mail you received.
Excellent thing is support for JavaScript and VBA, so if you had any contact with t
he programming, or more accurately for Web programming, in a simple way you can add a completely arbitrary details of the desktop. For example, a combination of two previous options - using JavaScript put a picture if your inbox is empty, and another to indicate that you have received new mail. Another possibility is rarely seen is the integration of media player in the desktop. Samurize supports the integration of three most popular: Winamp, FooBar and QCD.
This means that you have the ability to adjust the desktop to the example shows the name of the song and artist treasures large glass case, which have a shadow on the top of your desktop. Using various parameters, you can make Samurize to show absolutely
everything about the song. And only with a few clicks.

DOWNLOADS: http://www.box.net/shared/hy4god8z84 5.3MB