3 years ago
12 January 2009
SPAM in the heart of Silicone Valley
In 30 Floors high building in the center of Silicone Valley in San Hoze, happily worked McColo companies providing hosting services on their servers.
It was so, until it discovered that the servers of the company one of the main Center for dissemination of spam in the USA., and are now closed. IronPort company that deals with the safety of e-mail, noted the decline in spam in the USA. for more than 60%, with Spamcop, which is monitoring the level of spam on the Internet was recorded decrease from 40 to 10 spam messages in seconds after they stopped servers McColoa.
USA. federal agents have not yet announced whether McColo criminally responsible, and because their customers use their servers for spam, and the charge will probably be raised if a given company knew what to use their servers.
After a while, which was conducted offline, McColoserver soon again be online 12 hours, which is probably a sign that data with them transferred to another location, where will continue to spam campaign.
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